Why Website Analytics Are Important for Your Business Growth

June 1, 2019

There’s an old business saying, ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. This adage fits perfectly when we talk about an online business or a website.

A strong online presence is the key to business growth. This results in a broader reach, better communication opportunities along with the possibility to reach new prospects.

However, now that you have a website, and visitors pouring in, What next? Do you know where are they coming from? What did they like on your site? Who are they? What can make them stay longer? What changes can be made on the website to increase the visitor to customer conversion rate?

The answers to these questions are directly proportional to you getting your Website ROI in place. Just having a site isn’t enough!

We live in the age of data. A time where numbers and facts matter the most. Whether your site is an eCommerce Store, an informational website, or your storefront, the online presence needs a strong web analytics strategy to analyse the traffic, put those findings into action and develop a web strategy for the future. In short, website analytics provide insights that can be used to create a better experience for your website visitors by analysing user behaviour across web pages.

Businesses use website analytics to measure and benchmark site performance — the key performance indicators (KPI’s) that mark their business growth, such as the conversion rate, bounce rate, page views, user sessions.

Here are 5 significant reasons why you need to keep track of your website analytics:

1. Enhance User Experience

When you think about making website changes or take revamp decisions, it’s vital to ensure that the new design doesn’t hurt your existing users, but rather enhances their experience. It will be more rewarding if it can attract new users. So, to make a safe decision, know your visitors first. When you know who they are by their:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Geographic location
  • Interest topics etc.

You can make the right changes to enhance their website experience. Similarly, when you analyse the technology:

  • Device
  • Operating system
  • Browsers, they’re using when they land on your site, you can test the site’s compatibility with those technologies and make the necessary improvements and changes.

Here’s How:

Device breakdown: If a large section is using a mobile device to access your website, it indicates that you should make your site mobile-friendly.

Language and Location: When you find out where most of your website visitors are located, you can create necessary translations for your site.

Age and Interests: When you identify the age and interests of the more extensive section of the visitors, you can customise your site to make the content more useful for them.

With the improvements in place as per the analytics, you can make your website visitors stay longer and eventually convert them into customers.

2. Know Your Best Content and Focus on It

Website analytics shows you exactly what web page and content is getting the most visits and attention, the average duration of time spent on individual web pages. This helps you learn what type of content is working and what is not. When you know what engages the audience, you can optimise the content on other web pages accordingly as per the visitor’s interest to boost your website engagement and gain customers.

Keep the top landing pages updated with the latest information and revamp the design and structure of the website if not working to make it look fresh and updated. You can also add CTAs, purchase links on the top performing pages to boost your conversions.

3. It Helps Your Site’s SEO

SEO is the most crucial factor that determines your business growth. The higher you rank on search engines, the more organic traffic your site gets, and the more leads and conversions you gain.

Web analytics helps your website’s SEO in various ways. When you know your visitors’ demographics and requirements, you can easily create targeted content — rich in keywords, to get better visibility on search engines.

With analytics, you can also track what search queries send your website the most traffic. You can know the total clicks made, impressions, rank and average click-through rate.

One can also set up site search tracking to track what information visitors are looking for on your website. Make a comparison between the existing content and what users are looking for to check whether users’ expectations are being met or not.

Sample Web Analytics Data

The data you can track through analytics can be broken down into categories, such as:

Audience Data

  • number of visits
  • new vs returning visitor ratio
  • what country they are from
  • what browser or the device they are on

Audience Behavior

  • common landing pages
  • common exit page
  • frequently visited pages
  • length of time spent per visit
  • number of pages per visit
  • bounce rate

Campaign Data

  • which campaigns drove the most traffic
  • which websites referred the most traffic
  • which keyword searches resulted in a visit
  • which campaign medium drove the most traffic

Web Analytics can do wonders for your business growth. It gives you valuable insights to improve your website performance and increase conversions.

However, where do we start and where do we gain these insights and track the performance?

Google Analytics!

It is a free & highly relevant solution for tracking your website performance. It allows you to track all the critical metrics and monitor the effectiveness of your online marketing strategies and campaigns in one place.

Learn how to work with Google Analytics at our upcoming workshop: ‘Measure and Grow with Google Analytics’ by Ashwini V Desai on 1st June 2019. She’ll walk you through the top 6 metrics that matter, and how to measure and improve your website performance.

Register here: https://bit.ly/2HzMajV